
Medical X-rays have mostly converted from film, to computed radiography (CR) that used individual plates to record each X-ray digitally that then had to be uploaded into a PACS, to what is the standard-of-care today with digital radiography (DR). DR X-ray which allows immediate digital transfer of images into a PACS for immediate review. X-rays are used to diagnose fractures, bone abnormalities, lung pathologies and tumors, as well as monitor pediatric growth, plan for surgery and treat oncology patients during radiation therapy. More detailed anatomical imaging, especially soft tissue imaging, is usually sent for advanced imaging with CT or MRI. X-ray, especially mobile DR systems, are a primary use case for artificial intelligence (AI) integration. 

COVID-19 coronavirus

With structured reporting, chest x-rays have high likelihood of predicting positive RT-PCR test results

To help conserve resources, Irish imaging experts devised a systematic approach for reporting the likelihood of COVID-19 pneumonia on CXR. 

November 12, 2020
Man vs. Machine artificial intelligence AI

Man vs. Machine: AI matches third-year radiology residents at reading chest x-rays in large study

IBM and others designed an algorithm that can match or even surpass fledgling physicians at reading the most common imaging exam in the ED. 

October 9, 2020

President Trump receives COVID x-ray, CT scans while radiologist White House advisor expresses optimism

The commander-in-chief's physicians would not elaborate on whether chest imaging revealed ground glass opacities or other signs of damage. 

October 5, 2020
found that abdominal CT scans could be a feasible option for bone density screenings, as the modality achieved results comparable to those yielded by traditional DXA scans #osteoporosis #bonedensity

Follow-up bone mineral density x-ray mostly useless for healthy postmenopausal women

DXA three years after baseline did not improve the accuracy of fracture-risk assessment, experts wrote in JAMA Internal Medicine. 

July 28, 2020

Physicians urge peers to quash ‘low value’ use of daily chest x-rays in the ICU

The pair of pulmonary and critical care providers with two prominent hospitals acknowledged that such imaging is well-intended, but noted that this practice is outdated and lends little benefit to the patient. 

July 27, 2020
lung cancer

Deep learning helps radiologists target missed lung cancer diagnoses on chest x-rays

South Korean scientists detailed their new “automatic detection algorithm” in a study published recently in Radiology

July 21, 2020

Cutting $5M in potential costs by restricting chest x-ray use in the ICU

Scientists with New York Health and Hospitals formed a multi-disciplinary team that was able to tackle excessive imaging at one of the hospital system’s locations

July 9, 2020
Philips COVID cabin

Philips rolling out COVID ‘imaging cabins’ for safer x-ray and CT delivery during pandemic

The announcement is the latest in a string of outside-the-box ideas radiology providers are testing to help maintain business until the crisis dissipates. 

July 6, 2020

Around the web

"This was an unneeded burden, which was solely adding to the administrative hassles of medicine," said American Society of Nuclear Cardiology President Larry Phillips.

SCAI and four other major healthcare organizations signed a joint letter in support of intravascular ultrasound. 

The newly approved AI models are designed to improve the detection of pulmonary embolisms and strokes in patients who undergo CT scans.

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