
Radiology compensation is more than just radiologist salaries. It also includes radiologic technologist and interventional radiology compensation, along with other subspecialties. Radiology pay incorporates bonuses, incentives, benefits and vacation time.

Where does radiology rank? 10 takeaways from a new physician compensation survey

The average annual salary for radiologists is $401,000 per year, according to Medscape’s Physician Compensation Report 2018. But how does that compare to other specialties?

April 23, 2018

Radiologist compensation continues to rise

More than three-quarters of physician specialties, 77 percent, have enjoyed compensation increases over the past year, and radiology is in that happy mix. Diagnostic rads’ median compensation rose 2.6 percent, from $490,399 in 2016 to $503,225 this year.

July 21, 2017

Around the web

"This was an unneeded burden, which was solely adding to the administrative hassles of medicine," said American Society of Nuclear Cardiology President Larry Phillips.

SCAI and four other major healthcare organizations signed a joint letter in support of intravascular ultrasound. 

The newly approved AI models are designed to improve the detection of pulmonary embolisms and strokes in patients who undergo CT scans.

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