
Radiology compensation is more than just radiologist salaries. It also includes radiologic technologist and interventional radiology compensation, along with other subspecialties. Radiology pay incorporates bonuses, incentives, benefits and vacation time.


Radiologists the 7th best-paid medical workers, biz mag finds

Cardiologists are the highest paid professionals in medicine, averaging $170 per hour for an annual average salary of $353,970, according to a new Forbes report.

August 16, 2022

Emergency overreads change care for 92% of patients with discrepant outside reports

When emergency radiologists overread interpretations of critically ill transfer patients, they discover discrepancies in fewer than 15% of cases. However, more than 90% of these second opinions produce a change in patient care or follow-up.

August 14, 2022
Meaningful Use and radiology

How 'bunker shifts' increase radiologist productivity and decrease long-list anxiety

After day shifts began bleeding into night shifts at frustratingly frequent rates, one radiology practice in Kentucky devised a plan to get its lengthy worklists back on track—enter the “bunker shift.”

August 9, 2022

Should patients—or any of 6 other stakeholder groups—get paid for AI in healthcare?

The commoditization of health data raises questions about who is owed what, and in what proportion, when artificial intelligence renders the data clinically useful and thereby financially profitable.

August 7, 2022
CMS proposed medicare physician fee schedule for 2023 radiology.

Dear Congress: Proposed 2023 MPFS ‘threatens access to life-saving procedures and continued operation of essential medical services’

Eight imaging associations concerned about radiology’s fiscal fate at the hands of CMS’s proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule for 2023 are imploring Congress to intervene.

August 4, 2022

Where is radiology with pay-for-performance now? 3 expert takes

JACR asked three experts on radiologist compensation for a written answer to a pressing question: In creating the ideal practice-level P4P program in 2022, what elements must be considered, avoided and emphasized?

August 3, 2022

Radiological field offers 3 of the 10 highest-paying associate degree options: ZDNet

Surveying the landscape of well-paying jobs in reach of individuals with two-year degrees, a popular technology-business news outlet has found three of the top 10 exist within the radiological sphere.

August 2, 2022

Imaging center owner/doctor charged with doing $1M-plus in fraudulent, risky-to-patients business

A state attorney general has indicted the physician owner of an imaging center for bribing colleagues to order unnecessary exams before performing the exams—including some with IV contrast—and submitting false claims to CMS.

August 2, 2022

Around the web

"This was an unneeded burden, which was solely adding to the administrative hassles of medicine," said American Society of Nuclear Cardiology President Larry Phillips.

SCAI and four other major healthcare organizations signed a joint letter in support of intravascular ultrasound. 

The newly approved AI models are designed to improve the detection of pulmonary embolisms and strokes in patients who undergo CT scans.

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